We Are Enough!
Awakening the Enoughness in All of Us
Webinar Syllabus:
The Enough Message has changed my life, and I am convinced that it can do for others what it has done for me:
- Reawaken your sense of support from a loving universe that has been trying to tell you that you are enough and always have been enough.
- Expand your perception so you can instantly see the root cause behind any problem and the hidden connections between problems.
- Help you to claim abundance and opportunity where you once saw lack
- Embolden you to step more fully into a role as midwife of the emerging New Story
- Bring more love into your life, starting with self-love and self-appreciation for your unique and irreplaceable gifts
I feel called to create communities of women whose primary need or focus has moved from personal healing and spiritual seeking to a sense of urgency to step into a bigger role to BE the difference the world needs. The power of circle and of the sisterhood in circle is that it is the catalyst, the fuel and the magic to support us completely as we step more boldly into who we are and why we came. Enougher circles are deeply rooted in circle principles which invariably create the kind of container where we are deeply seen, listened to, appreciated and respected while holding us gently but steadily accountable for being responsible to our growing edge. As we learn to truly love ourselves, we become impeccably clear about what kind of help we need to manifest our dreams, and we are able to ask for it without evoking messages of shame or "not enough."We realize that the universe wants us always to succeed and will provide the help we need.
There will be two ways to participate:
A six week web-based circle of 8 women delivered via Zoom video conference calling once a week, centered around the book, Enough: Beyond the Myth of Lack and the Enough Guidebook Each circle will be 90 minutes in length. We will provide all reading materials, exercises and a private “Afterglow” Facebook group just for this small group for more intimate sharing and processing between calls.
Work independently at home. Listen to the recorded sessions, receive exercises and written materials and receive access to a private independent study "Afterglow" group on Facebook to process in real time with me and other GTW women who are participating independently. (These sessions may lag behind the live sessions by a few days to a week.)
The format will be:
1. Check in, then a short presentation or interview format about the day’s topic*
2. Questions from participants about the presentation
3. Circle: pass the talking stick to discuss, process and share about an exercise or question
4. Announce an optional exercise for participants to do at home to deepen the session's experience
*After week one, time will be provided at group check in to process the exercise from the week before.
Session Overviews:
Week 1: The Enough Message – What is the New Story and how can we be sure?
Week 2: I am Enough – Self-esteem, self-empowerment, the problem is the paradigm, not the people
Week 3: I have Enough – Claiming our gifts, our passions, our essence
Week 4: We are Enough – Me to we and healing the sisterhood
Week 5: We Have Enough – Reports from the field: global evidence of the New Story already taking shape
Week 6: Enough! - Taking action, taking a leap, becomming the New Story
Week 7: Optional Feedback/Celebration Call
There will be no fee to participate.
With participant permission, I will share access to the recordings with other GTW members who are participating independently.
I would like the opportunity to collect feedback about what you liked and didn’t like about the series, and what I might do differently next time. I would like to ask participants for testimonials to perhaps place on my website or book cover.
Space for the live webinar is limited to 8 women. I would like women who are most apt to make a commitment to participate in every session as this greatly affects the intimacy we build in the group. I will be looking for a diverse group, women experienced in circle who desire the kind of experience which calls upon and activates their gifts and who are willing to offer an opening or closing reading, meditation or song once during the series.
Space in the "independent study" option is unlimited. Anyone may participate. Access to the recordings may be for a limited time, so it is recommended if you choose this option, that you plan to listen to the recording any time during that one week period. A real-time Facebook group will be set up for you to share your insights with me and with others who are studying independently.
About Laurie:
The work I do now is to host people in exploring this larger, universal story, the Universe’s pervasive Enough Story and what it means to and for us as individuals. I love to steward open-hearted community where authentic truth and wisdom are tapped into, expressed and woven together.
After receiving an MS in Transformational Learning, I went on to start the Women’s Institute of Maine, a women’s circle organization, and to serve as the Executive Director of two other non-profit organizations whose purpose was to advance human consciousness and feminine forms of leadership. I have presented the Enough Message at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women twice and I host an Enough website and blog at www.weareenough.com.