We Are Enough!
Awakening the Enoughness in All of Us
What People Are Saying About Laurie and The Enough Work:
There are days when I really want to shriek “Enough is Enough” about the madness our world has become. And then--like a breath of fresh air--along comes Laurie's marvelous book to show us just how we got into 'too much' and all its consequences, and just how simple it is to get off the roller coaster and into a more peaceful and loving life ride.This book is a must for a saner and more caring future.
- Elisabet Sahtouris, PhD, evolution biologist, speaker and futurist; author of EarthDance and Gaia's Dance
Enough is an exceptional book well worth reading. Its messages are life changing because they create AHA moments that shift perspectives and create a sense of resiliency that will be necessary as we attempt to deal with the many changes in our world - a world that is changing faster than any time in history. Whether anyone is willing to admit it or not, we are pilgrims in a new world observing the implosion of old systems that no longer serve us. We need Enough to create a new mindset and new ways of problem solving. The same old same old band aids we have used in the past won't work anymore. Read Enough and use the guidebook, now being developed and become a pioneer of change! We need a new 'normal'. The old one is gone forever and will never return!"
- Linda Sechrist, best-selling co-author of Wisdom of Midlife Women 2, Radio Host at Rethinking Health Matters with Linda Sechrist, and National Editor/Sr. Staff Writer at Natural Awakenings Magazine
Laurie's work and Brene Brown's (Daring Greatly and Rising Strong) are drawing on the same big idea. We are and have ENOUGH--individually and together--to create the lives and world we want. The book is clear, powerful, flowing, passionate, and persuasive. Read it!
- Caroline Pincus, veteran editor and publishing consultant
McCammon, founder of the Women's Institute of Maine, holds that our culture's "never enough" paradigm has made the world sick and is to blame for violence, greed, exploitation, prejudice, and environmental destruction and that the eradication of this myth can make society whole again. Her research covers both the concepts of not having enough natural and financial resources and the personal feelings of not being enough. She ably demonstrates how society has created a self-fulfilling prophecy but is able to turn itself around by taking care of the environment and eluding the multiple claims for more. Verdict: While the "enough" message gets repetitive, McCammon makes valid points and offers direction to a more abundant future.
- Deborah Bigelow, director emerita, Leonia P.L., NJ for Library Journal Review
Laurie has an enviable grasp of the Enough concept. She is living it, and she is able to present it in such a clear way that I want to say “Well, of COURSE! Yes, I am Enough!" Thanks, Laurie, for reminding me.
- Donna Ahlstrand, a Convener of Gather the Women Global Matrix
I feel this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be part of a shift to liberate ourselves and remake the world! It just doesn’t get any better than this!
Yes, enough is truly an action, an infinite journey of consciousnes, gratitude, connection, love- and peace-making with the whole cosmos and all that is!
- Katharina Sebert, M.A., teacher, writer, healer, artist and a peace and heart connection activist in Germany
The depths of your sharing made me weep, Laurie, and for your willingness to be vulnerable and open to us. The line you quoted says so much, "Beyond rightness and wrongness, there is a field. I will meet you there." (Rumi) I believe MANY of us are choosing to meet together in that field of love, only love.
- Mary Morrill Cunningham, a Convener of Gather the Women Global Matrix