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Are you an Enougher?

Take the quiz:

1. Do "I'm not enough" messages keep you from feeling confident and worthy?

2. Are you often told that you are "too sensitive" or "have a thin skin"?

3. Do you often feel dissatisfied and wish you could feel content about your achievements and what you have?

4. When you hear about good things happening to peers, are you happy for them, but inside also feel a painful twinge of jealousy and competitiveness?

5. Do you often feel frightened, depressed, hopeless or stressed about things you cannot control, such as the economy, politics or the environment?

6. Do you wish you had more courage to start living your dream and to create more meaning and passion in your life?

7. Do you have a difficult time setting healthy boundaries and saying no, resulting in your own needs going unmet?   


The Enough Companion Guidebook


Seven women's circle experts and one welless expert have co-created the definitive guide to recovering the truth: You are enough and have enough. 100+ hands-on activities for individuals and groups to activate powerful breakthroughs in self-love, healing, relationships, money, empowerment, resilience, trust, community-building and more. Based on the groundbreaking book, Enough! How to Liberate Yourself and Transform the World with Just One Word, the guide takes you on a deep dive into your life-long (and humanity's millennia-long) upside-down relationship with the word "enough," a group delusion that is the root of all dysfunction, from personal to planetary. By confronting the untruths you have ingested about not being enough and not having enough, you liberate not only your own hidden power, potential and purpose, but you catalyze humanity’s conscious evolution.

All rights reserved. Laurie McCammon December 21, 2012.

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